Aylsworth, Jonas
Bachner, Edward F.
Bacon, Clare E.
Baekeland, Leo
Baer, Eric
Bailey, James
Beall, Glenn
Beetle, Carl
Belcher, Sameul L.
Bemis, Peter F.
Bishop, Richard
Black, Otis
Blount, Clint
Boeschenstein, H
Borro, Edward
Boyer, Raymond
Bradbury, Williamry
Bradt, Rexford H.
Breskin, Charles
Brown, Gordon
Burroughs, Charles
Bushman, Edwin F.
Carothers, Wallace
Chapman, Frank
Chum, Pak-Wing S.
Cleworth, C. W.
Condit, Charles
Conley, Fred
Cruse, William
Deanin, Rudolph
DeBell, John
Delmonte, John
Doak, Kenneth
Dow, Willard
Doyle, Bernard
Dreyfus, Camille
Dubois, J. Harry
Eastman, George
Ehlers, Russell
Ellis, Carleton
Erikson, Erik
Estabrook, Jr., F. R.
Flory, Paul
Forger, Robert
Foster, Joseph
Fox, Daniel W.
Freitag, Dieter
Gatto, Charles
Gigliotti, M. F. X.
Goggin, William
Goldsworthy, W.B.
Gore, Wilbert
Grebe, John
Griffith, Henry E.
Griffith, Palmer
Gross, Sid
Grote, Sr., Walter
Haine, Walter
Hanford, William
Harding, Ralph
Heckman, Jerome
Hemming, Emile
Hendrie, George
Hobson, Edwin L.
Hoffer, Robert
Hohl, John
Holz, Harold A.
Huidekoper, P.
Humphrey, G. P.
Hunkar, Denes B.
Huntsman, Jon
Hyatt, John Wesley
Hyde, J.F.
Jennings, Garland
Karol, Frederick J.
Kavanaugh, Lionel
Keville, John
Kleiderer, C. W.
Kline, Gordon M.
Koenig, Jack
Kretzschmar, J. R.
Kruder, George A.
Kwolek, S. L.
Land, Edwin H.
Lankton, Gordon
Lester, William M.
Lubin, George
Maccaferri, Mario
MacDiarmid, Alan G.
Maddock, Bruce H.
Mark, Herman F.
Marra, Frank S.
Marshall, Abraham
Martinelli, Guy A.
Marvel, Carl Shipp
McGrath, James E.
Mehnert, Gottfried
Menges, Georg
Morrison, Robert S.
Morton, Jr., Thomas
Muehlstein, Herman
Nalle, Jr., George S.
Natta, Giulio
Nissel, Frank R.
Ott, Emile
Palmer, Spencer E.
Parkes, Alexander
Peters, Don. L.
Pitcher, Arnold E.
Plueddemann, E.
Plunkett, Roy J.
Porter, Roger S.
Quarnstrom, Ivar
Rahm, Louis Frank
Reib, John C.
Reinhart, Frank W.
Richardson, Henry
Robertson, Harold
Rosato, Dominick V.
Rowan, Sr., Edward
Rubens, L.C. "Bud"
Rubin, Irvin I.
Schad, Robert
Schnell, Hermann
Schwab, Fred E.
Scribner, George K.
Seabury, R. W.
Semon, Waldo L.
Seymour, R. B.
Shaw, Frank H.
Shaw, Louis E.
Sherwood, Miller G.
Slater, John G.
Spaak, Albert
Staudinger, H
Stein, Richard S.
Stott, Lewis L.
Stoughton, T. S.
Swallow, John
Swedlow, David A.
Thomas, Islyn
Tupper, Earl S.
Von Holdt, John
Welch, John F.
Whitlock, Carl
Willert, William H.
Wyeth, N. C.
Zimmerman, A. S.
George Hendrie, Sr. - Hall of Fame Entry
Author: Plastics Academy Staff
Added: 03/29/2004
Type: Summary
Viewed: 1708 time(s)
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George Hendrie, Sr. - Hall of Fame Entry
George Hendrie, Sr.
Birthdate: N/A
Deceased: N/A
Induction: 1982 Industry Areas: Management |
A pioneer in the development of thermoplastic extrusions. Starting with automotive applications, his firm, Detroit Macoid, was actively involved in defense work during World War II, creating new applications for elastomeric PVC. |
Article Pages: 1
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