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  Rudolph D. Deanin - Hall of Fame Entry
Author: Plastics Academy Staff
Added: 03/29/2004
Type: Summary
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Rudolph D. Deanin - Hall of Fame Entry


Rudolph D. Deanin




Industry Areas:
Material, Management

"Rudy" Deanin was founder of the graduate program in Plastics Engineering at the University of Massachusetts - Lowell, and was director of the program for over 30 years.

He developed and taught courses to over 4,000 plastics and engineering students who now work in our industry. He founded the Masters Program in Plastics Engineering at Lowell, and over the years has supervised the graduate courses of more than 250 students. a Director on the Eastern New England Section Board.

Dr. Deanin has authored a pioneering text on the relationship between polymer structure, properties, and practical applications. He has published over 100 scientific papers and is the holder of 36 U.S. and International patents.

Dr. Deanin was named Educator of the Year by the Society of Plastics Engineers, and is a Fellow of the Society. He currently serves as a Director on the Eastern New England Section Board.