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  Clint Blount - Hall of Fame Entry
Author: Plastics Academy Staff
Added: 03/28/2004
Type: Summary
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Clint Blount - Hall of Fame Entry


Clint Blount




Industry Areas:
Sales, Management

Through the decades of 1920-1960 Clint Blount was an acknowledged industry leader in the sales and sales management of phenolic molding compounds and polystyrene resins.

He was prominent in the industry's early development of the Society of the Plastics Industry serving as a director and a charter member and early President of the Plastics Pioneer Association. He made a significant contribution to the commercial development of these Bakelite products during the early days of their introduction.

Clint was born in Temple, Texas in 1901 and died in New Jersey on April 17, 1981. He graduated from the Naval Academy in 1922 and worked for the Radio Corporation of America from 1922 to 1924.

Clint joined the Bakelite Corp. in 1924 in a sales capacity and spent his entire plastics career with Bakelite (Union Carbide) until his retirement in 1961 as Vice President and General Sales Manager.

In addition to his Annapolis experience, Clint Blount attended Newark College of Engineering, Columbia University and New York University.

He was also a member of the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE), The Chemists Club, the Naval Academy Graduates Association and the Southern Society of New York.